OM your own
Mental Health
Online Community
In Studio Memberships
TheraCommunity Members
- Access to In person & Online classes
- 1:1 TheraCommunity Support Member
- VIP Newsletters & Inspirational Texts
- TheraCommunity Private Events and Outings
Online Memberships
Access will be sent immediately through email upon signing up.
Balancing your Ayurvedic Wisdom Free 5 day Program
- Pre Recorded classes for five days
- Educational Information on Nutrition
- Daily regimens and simple strategies
Welcome to Balancing your Ayurvedic Wisdom 5 day program. Our program is free and open to anyone who is seeking a better understanding of how to incorporate basic Ayurvedic Nutritional strategies into your daily routines. We will be focusing on how to set up a daily routines, incorporating quick and easy strategies into your life, and creating self care strategies that focus on your well being. Each day we will be targeting one strategy to implement balance in our lives. Access sent to email.
Ayurveda Cookbook for the Yogi on the Go
- Ayurveda Basics - Ayurveda Education
- Ayurveda Principles - Ayurveda Practices
- Ayurveda Recipes - Ayurveda Spices
Welcome to Ayurveda Cookbook for the Yogi on the Go. This cookbook is for anyone who is interested in learning about Ayurveda and how to make quick and easy meals that are nutritious. Let's jump right in and learn new ways to make meals. Your access will be sent immediately through email.
Rebuild your Life Free 5 day Program
- Pre Recorded Classes for five days
- Strategies to tackle our mental and emotional wellbeing
- Facing our obstacles
- Walking in our truth
Welcome to the 5 day free event! Let's Rebuild our Life! Grab your journal and join us for our live stream event! Watch at your own pace! Log into your Rebuild your Life member area to access recordings and information. Your access is sent immediately through email upon sign up.
Rebuild your Life 9 Month Program
- Weekly Rebuild Seminars - Facebook Group
- Weekly Assignments - Monthly 1:1 Sessions
- Weekly Check-ins - Community Commitment
Welcome to Rebuilding your Life 9 month program. We are humbled that you have decided to take this next step in your existence. We are ready to walk along side of you in the next 9 months. Ready to rebuild! Let's begin my friends. Program begins at your own pace or you can jump in on the live program every September 1 to May 30! You can sign up at anytime. We look forward to walking along side of you! Access will be sent immediately to email.
30 Day Meditation Practice
- 30 Day Pre-recorded Meditation videos
- Livestream Seminars every January 1st-January 30th
- 30 Day Meditation EBook
-Bonus Meditation Videos
Welcome to your 30 Days of Meditation Practice. You can start your practice at anytime and in the comfort of your own home. All days are pre-recorded and will be accompanied by daily text messages to keep you on track with your practice. Once you have registered you will receive an email for member access to the journey. Bonus meditation videos and access to our 30 day meditation e book with journal questions.
OM your own Mental Health Online Membership
- Pre Recorded classes - Ayurveda Recipes Access
- Mental Health Access - Weekly Text Check Ins
- Sister Circle Access - Weekly VIP Newsletter
Our TheraCommunity is ready to welcome you with open arms and an open heart. As you embark on taking the first step just know you are not alone, you are seen, and you are heard. May this path give you wisdom and grace. Take your first step inside our Community. Access will be sent immediately to email.
OM 30 Day Health and Wellness Challenge
- Self Paced Meditation, Pranayama, Yoga videos
- Journal prompts - Spiritual Assignments
- Recipes - Nutrition
- Mental, Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual well being
Welcome to your 30 day Health and Wellness Challenge. May this challenge provide you with knowledge, wisdom, and the willingness to step deeper into your spiritual practice. Access will be sent immediately to email.
30 Day Aerial Yoga Practice
- 30 Pre-Recorded Aerial Yoga Videos
- Bonus Video
- Aerial Anatomy Information
- Mental, Emotional, Physical, Spiritual well-being
Welcome to your 30 Day at home aerial yoga practice. Take this moment to step out of your comfort zone and begin a practice that will challenge and empower you. Access will be sent immediately to email.
All Sales are Final
All participants accept 100% Liability when Registering for online and in person offerings