September is here! September is a time for changes and transitions, as summer says goodbye and autumn rushes in.
August for most of us was a high intensity month. The changes this month in astrology urge us to slow down, and reflect on how our tactics to get what we want in life have served us in the past, and create a new strategy moving forward, removing habits and relationships that no longer serve us. Be open minded toward all aspects of your life, including the past. With the knowledge we have in the present, the past has all new lessons to teach us!
Important astrology that we may want to take notice of in September are as follows:
September 9th- Mercury Retrograde:
As we begin this month, we are transitioning into pre-shadow of mercury retrograde, meaning things should be beginning to slow down. On the ninth we enter full retrograde. People around the world make a big deal of mercury in retrograde, because there are real recorded phenomena of computers, phones and other electrical devices having unexplainable glitches. Communication errors are very common, which is interesting for us astrology followers, because Mercury is the planet of communication. Be aware of electrical miscommunication, and miscommunication between humans.
Retrograde means backward moving, and encourages us to wait on making big decisions until after we've had time to reflect on past choices, and make a self educated decisions only after doing so. Retrograde doesn't end until October 2nd, so you may want to use patience this month.
September 10th- full moon in Pisces:
Because Pisces is a water sign it is known for it's compassion, intuitiveness, and sensitivity. A full moon is know to bring on high emotion and drama. Be compassionate towards yourselves dear friends, and keep your boundaries. Remember what drama belongs to you, and what doesn't. How much of our drama is created in our mind?
We may feel ungrounded and afloat on a dreamy sea during this full moon. We may choose to work at staying grounded, or batten down the hatches, and go with the flow, it's up to us! The possibilities are endless!
September 22nd- Sun enters Libra:
Ah finally Libra season is here, and we can start to gain some balance in our lives. This sign is represented by the scales, and Libra season is a time to weigh our possibilities, and decide on a course that keeps us on an even keel.
Since we enter this harmonious air sign of Libra during a time when multiple planets are in retrograde, it may be time to come to terms with our past, and decide what we are finally ready to let go of, in order to gain the things we know we want moving forward.
September 22nd- Autumn Equinox:
On the same day that The sun enters Libra, we celebrate autumn equinox, and the first day of fall. Autumn equinox is the time of year when our days and nights are pretty close to being the same length. How fitting that this comes during our equal and fair sign of Libra. Some ways we can celebrate fall is by connecting to our mother earth, and tuning into ourselves, to create the balance we seek!
September 25th- New moon in Libra:
New moon means new beginnings. New moon is a great time to set our monthly intentions. What do you intend to do from this moment on, who do you intend to be?
The air sign of libra is a little bit of a dreamer, and a whole lot of a doer! Don't be afraid to reach for the stars dear friends, it is us who manifest our truth! It may be time for us to stop getting in our own way, and stop being afraid of success.
This is also a great new moon for setting intentions for self care. Libra is ruled by the planet Venus, which is all about love. Self love is just as important friends!
We end this month with both the Sun and Venus in the sign of Libra, and several planets in retrograde. As this is a month for looking within, and to the past, we should do so with loving compassion for ourselves and others. We are all just humans in a human suit, doing the best we can, as we travel along side each other on this road called life.