TheraCommunity Moon Blog for July 2022
TheraCommunity Moon Blog for July 2022 by Mystic Miranda
As we enter July we may still be feeling the June 28th New moon in Cancer, and the emotional effects it had on most of us. As Mercury is entering the sensitive sign of Cancer as well, some of those energies will probably linger in the beginning weeks of the month. As we move further into the month of July, we will gain a more practical view, and get a handle on our emotions, so we can become more grounded, and take the actions necessary to move forward.
July5th- Mercury enters Cancer:
Mercury is the planet of communication, the messenger. As Mercury enters Cancer, it's message points to our Cancer attributes, our emotions, our maternal protectiveness and compassion, and our strong devotion to our loved ones. Take some time to meditate, and tune into your emotions, and intuition, and let them guide you in the matters surrounding these things.
July 5th- Mars enters Taurus:
In ancient mythology Mars was the god of war. Mars represents our drive and passion. As Passionate, energetic Mars rolls into grounded, money driven Taurus, it is a good time to focus on finances, and how we can take action, and hash out arrangements for our financial and material gain. (Now is a good time for manifesting abundance.)
July 13th- Super Full Moon in Capricorn:
A super full moon is close to the earth, enhancing it's energies. As it is the closest celestial body to us, the moon has great power here on Earth. The power over the tides in the ocean, and certainly some influence on us. Some personality traits of Capricorn are; practicality, stubbornness, good self discipline, and a strong ability to overcome hardships. Looking at these traits, how can they serve you in your current endeavors? Maybe use one or more of these to help you focus, and work towards you goals today.
July 22nd- Sun moves into Leo:
Leo is Strong and loyal, the life of the party, and usually loves being the center of attention. They are very charismatic. Use your own charisma in the coming weeks to bring life back into the mundane, and let the Lion in you shine fourth!
July 28th- New Moon in Leo:
A new moon is when the moon is in full shadow. A time to go within, and discover what's hiding in the dark. In the sign of Leo, it is a good time to listen to the strength within and use your courage to make your dreams a reality!
July 28th- Jupiter goes into Retrograde:
Jupiter represents expansiveness and growth. When Jupiter goes retrograde, we can expect to have some profound inner growth. Look back to find the lessons that have been learned from past experiences. Recognize the growth you have done, and are still doing. Apply those lessons to create the future you want.
Overall July is a terrific month for taking action in our existence to reach our goals. To remove negative influences, and to set boundaries to weed out the garden of our life.
Namaste friends! We hope you have a happy and safe July!