TheraCommunity Moon Blog for May 2023

Moon Blog Written by Miranda Haigh

 As we move out of April and into May, we are still navigating energies from the eclipse, and we are in full  swing Mercury retrograde. We may be feeling confused, and pulled in multiple directions. Grounding exercises can help us to be more in the moment, and present with the things that need our attention now, so we don't get overwhelmed. Meditation and Yoga are terrific grounding exercises. Breathing exercises (Pranayama) are great if we are short on time. Although it may be counter intuitive, if we take time for these grounding exercises, we often find that we get more things accomplished, because our mind is fresh and sharp.


We begin this month with our sun in the sign of Taurus. The sun, the center of our galaxy, has utmost importance when it comes to astrological affairs. With the Sun in Taurus, we may all feel the traits that this sign encompasses. Taurus is an Earth sign, so it has the grounding influence that we may all be needing right now. Taurus is reliable, loyal, hard working, and they tend to focus on financial matters, and like to spend and indulge. Being responsible with our finances should be a focus this month. We may also want to put attention towards our romantic relationships, as Taurus is a romantic and a sensual lover.


Lets have a look at some of the larger astrological happenings in May:


May 1st- Pluto Retrograde:

When a planet goes retrograde, it slows down and appears to go backward in the night sky. Retrograde is a time to do the same. Slow down and review past, in order to discover what lessons we need to apply to our present situation, in order to move forward. Pluto only enters retrograde once a year. This year Pluto is going retrograde in the sign of Aquarius. Pluto entered Aquarius earlier this year, but will backtrack into Capricorn in June. While Pluto is the planet of regeneration, transformation, and rebirth, Aquarius is the sign of innovation, intelligence, and is a forward thinking humanitarian. When working with these energies we can use journal prompts to help guide us.

Journal Questions:

  • When reflecting on my past, what are some of the most transformative lessons that I have learned?

  • What is some advice that I could give from my past experiences, that could really help someone else? Do I know someone who needs to hear this advice?

  • What are my 3 main intentions right now?

  • What are 3 goals I have for my future?

  • What is one small change that I can make moving forward, that would help me to align more with my intentions and goals?


May 5th- Full moon in Scorpio & Lunar eclipse:

 Scorpio is deep, emotional, and very in tune with it's intuition. The full moon is a time of magnified light and power. This heightened awareness and intensity can be our ally, if we consciously choose to harness, and focus it toward our goals and dreams! Working through our emotions, and following our own intuition about what it is that we need, may help us here.

  A Lunar Eclipse is a powerful lunation. It can represent signifigant and abrupt change. We are in eclipse season, and Mercury is still in retrograde. It is advisable to think through what changes need to be made thoroughly, before taking action. If we aren't able to wait to make big decisions until after the retrograde, perhaps just waiting until the next day, will offer us a fresh perspective for more solid decision making.

 A fun way to harness this full moon/eclipse energy is to make some moon water. Here is a simple way to do that.

  • Use a clean glass bowl or jar and fill it with filtered water.

  • Place the water on a windowsill, outside, or in a place where it can soak up the moons rays all night.

  • The next day, use the water to cleanse yourself, your space, your crystals, or drink it. What else could moon water be used for? Use your intuition and imagination friends. This is a terrific opportunity to connect with our inner child!


May 14th- Mercury Direct:

Mercury direct means the end of retrograde. The post shadow will last for another week however. Some people report that they notice the typical communication and technological errors of retrograde, during the weeks of pre and post shadow, as much as, if not more than, during the actual retrograde cycle. We may still be feeling the sluggish and mentally hazy effects of the retrograde as well. Getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and getting physical activity can help us replenish our energy.


May19th- New Moon in Taurus:

The new moon will always be in the same sign as the sun. During this new moon, both the sun and her nearest celestial partner are in Taurus.  Although the sun doesn't illuminate the moon on this day, it does not mean it isn't a day for insight. The darkness is where we can discover what has been hiding, what is waiting to come into the light. The perfect exercise for the new moon is to set intentions for the New month ahead.  An intention is an understanding of what it is that we are needing. We can tune into our intuition through meditation, to discover our intention. For example if we discover that we haven't been very patient lately, and that we haven't been very kind to ourselves, we can set an intention to do better. For example "This month my intention is to be patient and kind to myself and others." Our intention can help us to be the best version of ourselves, that we can be today. Repeating our intention every day, or multiple times throughout the day, can help us follow through with it!


May 21st -Sun moves into Gemini:

Gemini is the quick witted, intelligent, outgoing one most of the time. We are all multi faceted, but that is a given with Gemini. The Twins are the symbol for this sign, and they represent two sides to one coin. They can be brooding and quick to anger, but they're also charming, adaptable and likeable, so their two sidedness is often quickly forgiven.

 Our own sun sign, moon sign, and rising sings, as well as other influences around us, will have affect on our personal life, but we should all be broadly feeling the influence of the sign the sun is in.


 May is a beautiful expression of spring, and new life being revealed. I wonder what beautiful treasures this season will unveil to us? The answers are written in the stars friends! May blessings~