TheraCommunity Moon Blog for August 2023
August is sure to be an exciting month when we consider all of the powerful astrological influences that are coming in. We begin and end this month with two super charged full moons, and we will have 6 planets moving in retrograde throughout the month, Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, Venus, Mercury and Uranus. We also have the lions gate portal of 8/8.
We begin August with our sun in the sign of Leo, and Venus the planet of love in retrograde. The sign our sun is in is a big indicator of the energies we will all be working with. Leo is represented by the Lion. Some of it's attributes are loyalty, strength, pride and generosity. Venus is a star player this month. On top of it being in retrograde, it also aligns with the sun on August 13th, to create the Venus Star point. The focus here is love, relationships, and money. In retrograde we may have thoughts on, or interactions with relationships from our past, including the relationship with ourselves. How have those relationships shaped us? What lessons have we learned from them? What would we like to leave in the past, and what would we like to change with relationships in our future? Money matters are another thing that may become paramount in our thought processes this month due to Venus and it's influence. What lessons have we learned concerning our finances, and how can those lessons aid us in our future financial endevors?
Watching the night's sky and the movement of celestial bodies is a practice that has been done for thousands of years, to lead us and guide us in our day to day lives. Below are some of the major astrological happenings in August.
August 1st- Super Full Moon in Aquarius:
When the moon is closer to the earth it is considered a super moon, and the energy is felt more intensely by us here on Earth. The full moon is a time for manifesting and doing soul work. This Super full moon in Aquarius can help us to manifest our hearts desires. What is it we want most in our existance? We can begin to put things into motion during this full moon that will serve us in achieving our dreams. Although Aquarius is an air sign, it is represented by The Water Bearer. The Water Bearer has her focus on humanity, and pours her futuristic visions on us to help better the future for us all. What visions do we have that will help us to better the future for ourselves, as well as our communities, and the world? The air sign of Aquarius may have us feeling stuck in our head. A way to find balance here is to do some grounding activities, like walking, or doing yoga in nature, where we can physically be connected to the earth to ground ourselves. Listening to our intuition in what we are needing physically, emotionally, and spiritually, will guide us during this healing and nurturing full moon.
August 8th- 8/8 numerology- Lion's Gate portal:
The number 8 represents infinity, the infinite flow of energy. It's also connected to power and strength. The number 88 is representative of karmic balance, and reminds us that our actions have consequences, and that we have power over our choices. It also symbolizes intelligence and enlightenment. The numerology on this day gives a boost to The Lions Gate Portal. The Lion's Gate Portal is a cosmic alignment between the star Sirius, the Earth, and the constellation of Orion's Belt. It is called The Lion's Gate, because this alignment happens when our sun is in the sign of Leo, which is represented by the lion. The Lion's Gate delivers high frequency energy to us for healing and rebirth. The rising of the star Sirius represents rebirth to our spirit energy, and the spirit energy of our mother Earth. This is a fantastic day for journaling, manifesting, and doing activities that help to boost our connection to our higher selves, such as meditation, yoga, and prayer.
August 16th- New Moon in Leo:
Setting intentions for the new moon is a common practice. It can aid us in moving forward. An intention is an understanding of what we are needing, and what will help us to be the best version of ourselves that we can be. When we move forward with intent, we know what we are putting out into the universe. A new moon offers fresh new energies for us, so we can move out of any stagnant energies that are no longer serving us. It is good to know what sign the new moon is in, so that we can embrace the qualities of that sign when we are setting our intentions, and doing other new moon exercises. This month our new moon is in Leo. Leo is the sign of the lion. It is bold, brave, creative, and doesn't mind being the center of attention. Leo embraces it's physical looks, isn't afraid to be pretty, and is often eccentric with it’s style. How can we incorporate these attributes into our intentions and manifestations for the month ahead? Food for thought friends.
August 23rd- Sun enters Virgo & Mercury goes retrograde:
As we have mentioned before, when our sun is moving through a sign, the attributes of that sign can be felt by all, even though we will each have different experiences depending on what our own individual signs are, including our own sun, moon, and rising signs, and where they are in our natal charts at the time. As our sun moves into the analytical sign of Virgo, our focus can shift to our intelligent, sensible side. Earth sign Virgo is loyal and practical. Virgo is known to be hard working and isn't afraid to get their hands dirty. Virgo season is a great time to do the physical work that is needed to create the life we want!
We have been in the pre-shadow phase of Mercury retrograde since the 4th of August. Now that we are entering full retrograde, we may feel that things have slowed way down. We may even feel stuck. It is good to be aware of retrograde, and remind ourselves that we need to slow down and reflect. We aren't stuck, we simply need this time to turn within, and look at where we have been, and where we are now, so that we can reassess where we want to be in the future. Of all the retrogrades, Mercury seems to be the one that is felt the most, because Mercury is the closest planet to Earth. Some things we should be aware of during Mercury retrograde are problems with communication, such as our cell phones and computers. Be sure to reread texts and emails before sending them out, and make sure that you actually sent that text, and to the right person! People also notice problems with travel during Mercury retrograde, and it is encouraged to hold off on taking big trips, and on making big decisions during the retrograde cycle. Journaling and lots of self care are things that we can do to help ourselves move smoothly through retrograde. Retrogrades are for reflection and they can be very helpful. They do not need to be viewed as negative.
August 28th- Uranus enters Retrograde:
Uranus is the planet of change and innovation. In retrograde we can review the big changes and innovations that we have made during our own life, and decide what lessons we have learned from those. All of the lessons of the past will help us to make more informed decisions in our future, so that we aren't repeating patterns that no longer serve us.
August 30th- Super Blue Full Moon in Pisces:
This full moon is called the Blue Moon, because it is the second full moon to happen during the same month. This typically only happens once every two and a half years or so, hence the saying "once in a blue moon" for rare occurrences. A full moon packs a lot of power. Our moon influences the tides in all of our oceans. If the moon can control the tides all over our planet, it makes sense that it has some influence on us as well. This full moon should be a time to release energies and patterns that aren't serving us in our present situation. Pisces is emotional, empathetic and deep, as are all of the water signs. Tuning into our intuition and our emotions through meditation, and self reflection, can help guide us in discovering what it is that we are needing to let go of. We should give ourselves patience and grace as we move through this powerful full moon.
August is a good time for us to slow down and enjoy our life as it is happening. All of the retrograde activity happening this summer reminds us that we need to be present in the moment. We don't have to constantly be stuck thinking about the past, or looking to the future. The time that is actually available for us to influence is now. Meditation, yoga, and other activities that help us to be present are where we can focus our energy, so that we aren't wasting the only time that actually exists, the only time that we can do anything with, the present moment!