How I handle my emotions in my meditation practice

As i sit down to do my meditation practice i notice something happening inside of my brain.

Breathe in, I’m hungry, breathe out, i forgot to pay a bill, breathe in, why won’t my mind shut down, breathe out, push the thoughts and feelings away so i can meditate. That is how we all will start out in our meditation practice. Our practice will be consumed by our thoughts and our feelings. The practice will be consumed by all of the natural things that happen inside of our minds and even more so will be amplified when we start to settle.

Here’s the secret to it all, feel everything within your practice, if it becomes too much then you should remove yourself from the meditation practice as it is no longer meditation. There is an art to the compartmentalization that takes place in the practice and outside the practice. While in meditation practice you can have various emotions arise, acknowledge those emotions with no judgement and no direct conversation. This is not to say we have no feeling at all in meditation practice but what it does mean is that we are moving beyond the emotion by recognizing it for what it is. The moment that we recognize the emotion we visualize the emotion floating away.

The emotions start to organically float away and we sit within the brain surrendering into quiet. The quiet can be deafening but if we stay consistent within the practice we can become witness to the mind calming down over a period of time. We become witness to our emotions no longer having a platform to invest in chaos of the mind. We quiet down the ego consciousness long enough to experience bliss.

When you get to a place where the ego consciousness quiets we can take the practice and the art into our everyday existence. Situations are only situations until our ego consciousness takes shape. Meditation practice is where we surrender, the meditation break is where we become the absolute observer of our emotions. The emotions are just that emotions.

That is how I began, see the emotions for what it is not what I was making it into.

Theraexpressions Meditation