The 8 year of Abundance has been magically challenging.
From building apps to photo shoots, to new ambasaadors, to a new sister company. It’s been alot!
2024 has been a magical year of ups and downs and turn arounds! It has shown me that I am healing the former version of myself, the present version of myself, and the self that has not even been realized yet. You could say that this year of abundance has been overwhelmingly magical, incredibly challenging, and pure chaos.
““The 8 year of abundance (eight) represents our infinite personal power. This is the year to integrate everything you have learned, discovered, and built over the last seven years. It’s the culmination of your energetic evolution since 2017 to find your true power and stand in it. This is the year to break through anything holding you back from what you know is yours. It’s a time to feel the life you want to live and claim it. As you align with the eight vibration recognize the life that is within reach and then take action to reach for it. ““
As i look back on the last 6 months I have realized and have went after some very large projects that I either had realized or they were just starting to manifest or they came crashing at me like a ton of bricks. Some I was prepared for and others I didn’t know would even happen. The starting of this year I was in the process of finishing my app build out. I was getting ready to launch my very first app in 176 countries worldwide on apple and google stores. To say that was scary would be an understatement of the year. I was terrified to launch an app but really I shocked myself by tackling the hardcore arena of technology. Building an app is no joke. I did it in under 12 weeks total! The funny thing is I get confused by the tv remote. Thats another story for another time though. Moving on!! So January and February I was launching my new app while still being on the town council. If you haven’t guessed yet I am not your average politician. The end of February rolled around and the universe gave me whiplash when I became the next interim mayor of Evansville. Literally cue in the instant breakdown. Thank goodness my app had already launched on apple and google before this heaping pile of craziness ensued. So here I am in the first three months of this year launching an app and becoming Madam Mayor Machado of a town of a little under 3,000 people. I officially was boss lady in several arenas at that point.
The first four weeks of being mayor I about lost my mind, my marbles, and my sanity. I didn’t actually know how to juggle all the new balls and the old balls at the same time. Thank goodness for my team as they stepped in to help me navigate this crazy decision. Now let’s add in a cherry on the top! I had planned early on in the year to start Thera’s sister company “OM your Mental Health Awareness Apparel”. That means I was getting ready to launch OM clothing as well! My plans to launch in March well…… Got pushed back to say the least. To top it all off I had a scheduled international trip planned in April and a Buddhist Retreat trip for people in April. So you can imagine how April went. Freaking fabulous but also exhausting and not to mention overwhelmingly beautiful. I got my next passport stamp and was still able to be mayor of a town with limited cell phone service! I remember watching my town council meeting from the jungle. I will let you imagine what that visual looked like.
Jump into May and that was Mental Health Awareness month and the official launch month of OM Clothing! I was in full swing taking on another project. My husband tells me all the time that he believes that I have more energy than 90% of people and after the start of this year I actually think he might be right. By May I was running two companies, an app, a town, and my life. I tend to go hard on content for May so you can imagine that led me into some photoshoots. I made it through May and jumped full swing into Summer! As the last six months have whip lashed me into all kinds of abundance I have needed to remind myself to stay grounded, stay balanced, and go to the mountains. Where do you think you might find me for a moment? The mountains where mother nature has created a balance within my chaotic life.
I’m not sure what the next 6 months has in store for me but if it was anything like the first six months I am going to be busy! Stay tuned as I continue to share how the 8 year of abundance is impacting my life! The universe has said I am going to be abundantly managed and I just have to keep leaning into that trust.
What has the 8 year provided you whether it be challenging or successful?
Until we meet again on this 8 year of pure magic!