TheraCommunity Moon Blog For December 2022
It's here! The final month of the year! Let's take some time this month to reflect on all of our accomplishments this year, even the small ones, the growth we have made, and the lessons we have learned. As we approach the shortest day of the year, we are reminded that it's ok to revel in the dark times, to rest, and recharge for the coming months.
December is a month full of many to do list items for most of us. Let's remember that it is also important to take time for self care, and to do the things that truly bring us joy this season, not done out of obligation.
Some important astrological happenings which may have some influence in December are as follows:
December 3rd- Neptune goes direct:
When a planet goes direct, it is leaving retrograde. Neptune has been in retrograde since June 28th. Neptune is the planet of Inspiration, dreams, and psychic vision. Whatever lessons we have learned over the last 5 months, how can they help us to manifest the life we want? Listening to our intuition, and letting it gently guide us forward, is the key to going with the flow here. Doing a card reading or tuning into our intuition through meditation, and self reflection, are good activities for this day.
December 7th- Full moon in Gemini:
The full moon has big energy always, and this one is no exception. We can explore our inquisitive, outgoing, and social side this full moon, as those are great attributes of Gemini. We may also have some waring emotions and feelings during this full moon, as the power of The Twins is activated within us, highlighting the different points of view we poses. Both the light and dark within us are important. We can use acceptance as a tool for contentment at this time.
December 12- 12/12:
In numerology, the number 1212 has significant meaning. It symbolizes love, prosperity and contentment. When you see a number repeated, it gives that number more power. In the date 12/12/2022 the number two is very prevalent. The number 2 represents feminine aspects, such a nurturing and giving birth to new ideas or ways of life. We can see how this numerology aligns with our own personal journey through meditation, and self reflection, and record it in our journal, if we want to do soul work today.
December 21st- Winter Solstice/ Sun in Capricorn:
In the northern hemisphere we celebrate winter solstice, as to where on the other side of the Earth, in the southern hemisphere, it is the beginning of summer. Here in the US we are celebrating the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, and the longest night. The darkness reminds us that all things must rest, and gather their strength. Not all seasons can be ones of birth and growth. Some seasons are about old ways dying, so that the future can hold new life. This is a time for us to reflect inward. How can we take care of ourselves at this time, so that we can nurture the seeds of our inner workings, and allow them to germinate?
Capricorn is represented by the sea goat, who has the ability to climb the tallest mountain, and swim to the depths of the deepest ocean. Capricorns are stubborn, but their persistence pays off in the end, because they always persevere! What areas in our life do we wish to persevere in? How can we use the down to earth, persistent, and goal oriented aspects of Capricorn to aid us in our journey at this time?
December 23rd- Super New Moon in Capricorn:
Capricorns are ambitious and determined. This flood of super new moon energy can help us re-orient our goals and intentions for the year ahead, so they align with our highest calling. We may not know what that is yet, but we are determined to stay afloat, until we do! Journaling, and starting to think about our intentions for the year ahead, is a good way for us to understand ourselves better, so that we may align with what the universe is offering us.
December 29th- Mercury Retrograde:
It is the final Mercury retrograde of the year, and the first one of 2023. It will station direct on January 18th. When a planet goes into retrograde it appears to go backward in the night sky. Mercury, being the planet of travel, electronics, and communication, people report having more problems in these areas during retrograde. Out of all of the planets, Mercury tends to get the most attention. The close planets seem to affect us in a stronger way. Mars is also close, and is in retrograde as well, until January 12th. Mars is the Planet of war, and action. We may want to make sure we have back up plans for anything we are making plans for at this time, and think things through thoroughly, before taking action. Retrograde reminds us to be cautious, and to use our lessons learned from the past, to create the life we want in the present. Taking time to plan and set intentions is suggested, before taking action and implementation. Mercury also has a pre and post shadow, that can be felt for about a week before and after retrograde. It is good to be aware of these things. Maybe it will help us to notice the signs the universe is showing us.
Be gentle with yourselves friends. Let your kindness and compassion encompass yourself as well as others. Have a safe and happy December!