TheraCommunity Moon Blog for February 2023
Drawing tarot, wish, or daily affirmation cards, and writing in our journal can help us to think in a different way. You can get these Affirmation cards with journal prompts on our website!
Yay friends, we're strolling into February with no major planets in retrograde! This feeling of free moving forward momentum will continue throughout the month.
Aquarius season is in full swing, and we may be feeling that intellectual and innovative approach to planning our next step. It's time to take actions to achieve the vision we see for our future. It is important to also be aware that life doesn't always work out the way we plan, but we can stop resisting, and go with the flow. Small steps forward are building the bigger picture beautifully. We can trust our intuition to guide us. All pathways move in the same direction.
Some important astrological dates to be aware of this month are as follows:
February 5th- Full Moon in Leo:
The full moon is a time of increased power. It is a good time to work with our psychic and intuitive side. Listening to what our psyche has to tell us through meditation and inner reflection, will aid us in making decisions on what the next step of our journey will be. Let the bold and bright power of Leo guide us to take courageous action, to build the life we dream of having! Drawing tarot, daily affirmation, or wish cards can help us think in a different way today.
February 7th-8th- Mercury leaves post shadow period:
Things are really moving forward now, and any hesitation we had towards acting on our plans fades away. We are ready. There is nothing in our way!
As February is the month we celebrate love, we can focus on self love, and take actions to show ourselves how worthy we are of our own time and attention. We can do things that bring us joy! This self love and joy will radiate to those around us.
February 18th- Sun in Pisces:
It's Pisces season! Pisces is a water sign represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions, in a circle, creating a Ying-Yang. The balance of light and dark. One half not existing without the other. If we had not faced the challenges of our journey we would not appreciate the little gifts that life has to offer so much. How can we begin to balance the lessons in our past, with the new, improved version of ourselves moving forward? For the rest of this month and into the next we can look to the visionary and creative side of Pisces to guide us.
February 19th- New Moon in Pisces:
New moons are a perfect time for setting intentions. A new moon represents new beginnings, getting rid of what doesn’t serve us, and plotting our coarse for the month ahead. Pisces influence over this new moon can help us harness the compassion and adaptability that we posses, in order to be our own best friend, as we arrive effortlessly into the existance we wish for. Journaling and setting intentions for the month ahead will help us stay grounded and in control of ourselves as we surrender to the flow of the universe.
February is a month for taking positive action. We have spent many months in contemplation, wading through our options and deciding what coarse to take, what things we wish to remove, and where we wish to place our energy moving forward. Now we are finally ready, and there is no more reason for hesitating. We are ready to follow our dreams and desires. Making plans and making things happen can make us feel capable and in control, however it is important to remember that sometimes the best things in our life are the ones we didn't plan. Keeping an open mind and heart can serve us in finding balance friends. Keep moving forward, one baby step at a time!