Mercury Retrograde starts May 10
Mercury Retrograde starts May 10
May this month bring you growth, healing, and higher vibrations
May brings a swirl of energetic vibrations that will lead us into finding a sense of balance and a sense of managing our spiritual influences. May will also bring an ending or a closing of a chapter in our life. Our life will unfold the very things that we are moving towards this month. This month will bring us full circle into the next chapter of our existence.
May 2: Venus enters Aries
This time will lead us down the path of manifesting and setting intentions. This will be a bold and colorful month for us to explore our decisions, planning, and creating space for better stress management. This is a time for us to plan.
May 10: Mercury Retrograde
This retrograde is in the air sign of Gemini and ends in the earth sign of Taurus. This retrograde involves two eclipses: April 30th Solar Eclipse and May 16 Blood Moon Eclipse. Mercury is the planet that impacts communication, contracts, travel, and our emotional state. Encourage yourself to slow down during this time and see the whole picture unfolding. Be mindful of this time and of your emotional well being. Jupiter also enters Aries during this time.
May 16: Blood Moon Eclipse
This is a full moon eclipse. This is a potent cosmic time in the universe to heighten our sense of awareness. Blood Moon eclipses are a time to reveal hidden things that have always been there but have not been easily seen. This will be a time of transformative energies. Our consciousness is shifting and a new light is showing.
May 20: Gemini Season begins
This will be a time to ease the chatter and create mental clarity within our mind. This will also lead us into wanting to slow down and re evaluate our next steps.
May 30: Gemini New Moon
This new moon will bring an end to eclipse season. Our energies will lighten and will allow for much needed time to rest and tune inward towards our ability to move forward. We will be accepting of new ideas and new ways of looking at things. This will create greater balance and acceptance.
Allow your mind to slow and let the balance flow