TheraCommunity Moon Blog For January 2022
A crystal grid and meditation alter are great ways to help focus your energy towards your intentions for the year to come.
It's the beginning of a new year! What did you learn from the last year, and what are you bringing with you into 2022?
January is a month for taking steps to move forward with the intentions we have set for the New year. The astrology this month also encourages us to slow down, and look within, so we can decide what we need in order to do that. Daily meditation can be of help for introspection, retrospection, and recharging your batteries.
We start the year with the Capricorn initiative, and "go get em" attitude. We also begin with Venus and Uranus in retrograde, and Mercury joining them in the middle of the month. A planet in retrograde means we are given the opportunity to slow down and consider how past lessons can, and should effect our future decisions. Remembering these lessons can help us to strengthen the foundation on which we build in the future. We may still feel drained from all of the activity in December. This is a good time to allow ourselves some rest.
Some of the important astrological happenings for January are as follows:
January 2nd- New Moon in Capricorn:
We begin this month in the sign of Capricorn. Capricorn has the perfect energy to start this new year. This earth sign is grounded, and no nonsense. Capricorn gets things done, so you are likely to be starting out on the right foot for reaching newly set goals. Beware of having too many expectations though, and try to keep an open mind. The new moon is a time for setting intentions for the month ahead. It's helpful to set a monthly intention, alongside or rather than a yearly one. One month is easier to predict what you will need, in order to set your intentions for what will serve you. Intentions can change, as life is unpredictable!
January 14th- Mercury Retrograde:
As stated above, a planet in retrograde may have us contemplating past events, and lessons. It askes us to look in retrospect, and learn from what we find. It askes us to slow down. Mercury is the most commonly known retrograde cycle. Mercury is the planet of communication. Mercury in retrograde is a time when communication can break down, so be clear about what you mean, and think before you speak, if you want to be understood.
January 17th- Full Moon in Cancer:
The water sign of Cancer is known for being sensitive and emotional, and the strong lunar energies of the full moon only enhance this. This full moon is a good time to work with crystals, take a cleansing bath, or meditate and write in your journal, to balance out, or delve into these powerful emotional energies. Allow yourself some compassion and grace today, and let yourself release some pent up emotions.
January 18th- Uranus Direct:
A planet going direct means it is leaving it's retrograde, or backward moving path, to move forward once again through our cosmos. This gives use a forward motion boost. Uranus is a planet of change and spiritual awakenings. It has been retrograde since August of 2021, and we may see themes from that time coming back up to be ushered into the future.
January 19th- The Changing of The Lunar Nodes:
The Lunar Nodes, otherwise known as the Nodes of Destiny, represent a mathematical point between the sun and the moon. The changing of the nodes into different signs is one of the bigger astrological happenings in 2022. The North Node represents where we have been, and the lessons we have acquired from our past. The South Node represents forward motion, and the realization of our dreams and aspirations. The North and south Nodes have been in Gemini and Sagittarius since 2020. They will now shift to Taurus and Scorpio. The nodes moving into Taurus and Scorpio will have us learning from the lessons Scorpio represents, and possibly leaving behind some of the undesirable traits of that sign. The south node moving into Taurus represents the things our focus may be on for the next 18 months, like finances, and our fundamental values. These events will also affect the eclipse season we have coming up in 2022.
January 19th & 20th- Sun moves into Aquarius:
Aquarius season is here! Aquarius is known for it's forward thinking and intelligent mind. Aquarius are very dedicated to their friends and family. You might find a good boost around this time to accomplish those goals, despite Mercury being in retrograde, and trying to mess with things. Use your intellect to balance your emotional side, and your forward thinking to combat the feelings of being stuck, or even going backwards, that you may be experiencing.
January 29th- Venus Direct:
Venus is the planet of love, and we may have been contemplating past relationships with others, or the one with ourselves. Now that Venus has gone direct, it is the time to move forward with those relationship plans, or speak clearly the things that need said. It's time to start treating yourself the way you want to be treated, and face the truth about your relationship with yourself. Take note, we're still in Mercury retrograde, so be very clear in your communications.
2022 is starting with a very busy month! Please remember to be kind to yourself and others friends. We're all going through our own struggles. This is also a great month to reflect on your relationship with your community! How can you be of help to your fellow man?