September TheraCommunity Newsletter

September is upon us friends!

TheraCommunity, September is a month for transitions. As we transition into the fall season we are called to look inward and embrace the healing and the growing we have done over the summer. As we move forward here at Theraexpressions, we are reminded to slow down, re-evaluate our priorities, and release things that no longer serve us, in order to make room for the new things coming in.

We have an exciting month ahead of us!

We start this month off with the last event in our Summer Adventure Yoga Series. Our annual yoga scavenger hunt is on! This is a fun filled adventure where you can invite your friends and assemble a team, or go solo and join a team, to search our fabulous downtown area! Join us for a fun filled day!

Where: Downtown Casper/Atrium Plaza 201 E 2nd street 2nd floor

When: September 10th at 6:00pm

Yoga will follow after the hunt!

Bring your Yoga Mat!

Ready! Set! Let’s Pose!

Have you heard!!!!!! We have a new Thera Team Member! Please Welcome Sherry Joslyn! Sherry will be our new TheraCommunity Program Coordinator! You may have seen her floating around Thera as one of our Brand Ambassadors! Sherry will be helping us to coordinate our TheraCommunity and our events!

Sherry loves anything outdoors, her family, aerial yoga, and helping others! Oh and did we mention she loves TheraCommunity!

We are still doing yoga classes in the park!

For those of you looking for a healthy way to connect to nature before the cold months kick in, we have yoga at noon, on Monday and Wednesday, at Washington Park.

For those of you who are out of town, or can’t attend our noon classes, we have other class times, as well as our online platforms!

Fall Class Schedule starts September 12th!

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursdays- 7:15 a.m. Online Meditation

Monday- 12:00 p.m. Hatha Yoga

Monday- 6:30 p.m. Online Meditation

Tuesday- 6:30 p.m. Rebuild Program

Wednesday- 12:00 p.m. Hatha Yoga

Thursday- 6:30 p.m. Online Meditation

Friday- 6:00 p.m. Restorative yoga

Specialty workshops will be announced in the middle of this month for the fall season!

Are you taking time for self care? Have you thought about joining our community of like minded souls?

Join the community today at

We are excited for this event! Register at
