May is Mental Health Awareness Month!
OM your own Mental Health
Owning your mental health is choosing you!
At Theraexpressions Meditation our main focus is Mental Health. We use and teach tools like Meditation, Deconstruction, Yoga Asana, Ayurveda, Sound Healing, Yoga Nidra, and more to support good mental health in ourselves and in our community. All month long on our social media pages we will be sharing stories, information, education, and interviews! Go check out our social media pages!
Head over to our website if you want to learn more about the brain, the bodily systems, and mental health.
Below are a few facts that affect our mental health
Stress is the body's natural defense against danger or what the body perceives as dangerous. It flushes the body with hormones to prepare systems to evade or confront danger. This is known as the "fight-or-flight" mechanism.
When we are faced with a challenge, part of our response is physical. The body activates to protect us by preparing us either to stay and fight or to get away as fast as possible.
When we are stressed the body produces larger quantities of the chemicals cortisol, adrenaline, and noradrenaline. These trigger an increased heart rate, heightened muscle preparedness, sweating, and alertness. All these factors improve the ability to respond to a hazardous or challenging situation.
Factors of the environment that trigger this reaction are called stressors. Examples include noises, aggressive behavior, a speeding car, scary moments in movies, or even going out on a first date. The more stressors we experience, the more stressed we tend to feel.
Fight or Flight Response:
Reactions to stress are also known as the "fight-or-flight" response. The response evolved as a survival mechanism, enabling people to react quickly to life-threatening situations. The hormonal changes and physiological responses helps someone to fight the threat off or run to safety. Unfortunately, the body can also overreact to stressors that are not life-threatening. It is important to understand how the fight or flight response impacts the mind and the body.
When we experience a stressful event, the amygdala, an area of the brain that contributes to emotional processing, sends a distress signal to the hypothalamus. This area of the brain functions like a command center, communicating with the rest of the body through the nervous system.
Meditation, Yoga, Aerial Yoga, Sound Healing, and Yoga Nidra are all shown to help decrease stress.
Healthy eating and gut health ae another way to improve our mental health.
Food is essential for our body’s survival. Food is comprised of macronutrients including protein, carbohydrates, and fat. Nutrients fuel the body and give it energy. Food also supplies micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) and Phytochemicals (compounds produced by plants).
Protein provides structure to muscle and bone, repairs tissues when damaged and helps immune cells fight inflammation and infection. Carbohydrates provide energy and fuel the body. Fats provide structure to cells and cushions membranes to help prevent damage. Oils and fats are also essential for absorbing fat-soluble vitamins.
Vitamins aid in energy production, wound healing, bone formation, immunity, and eye and skin health.
Minerals help maintain cardiovascular health and provide structure to the skeleton.
Healthy eating through Ayurveda is one way our friends in TheraCommunity take care of our gut health, which is strongly connected to our mental health.
Learn more about these mental health factors, and so much more when you join TheraCommunity by signing up for a membership.
Check out free videos for help with mental health and so much more on out YouTube Channel! Theraexpressions Meditation
Be kind to your mind friends!
Did you know that much of the fabulous photography that you see in our ads and emails, as well as all of our videography, are done by our own Herver Machado, at Macahhdew Studios?
Our new space downtown has another section that is dedicated to Macahhdew Studios right next door!
Macahhdew specializes in photography, videography, drone pilot, and podcaster. Please let all of your friends and family know, so they can have the opportunity to utilize this talented photographer! Contact us today for more info! 307-258-5288
Did you know! The first week of the month is dedicated to Theracommunity members and non members attending Saturday Aerial conditioning classes and Sound Healing! This is an opportunity to come see what we are all about! We enjoy meeting new people!
Aerial Conditioning 8:30 am
Sound Healing 11:00 am
OM your own Mental Health