December TheraCommunity Newsletter
On a bright winter day right after it snowed
I’m off on my skis up the Old Mountain Road
I’ll rest on a log at the top of the hill
And sit still a while- all quiet and still
The woods are so lovely- the snow is so deep
The whole world around me is soundly asleep
I listen and look and there’s not a sound
Just the wonder of winter- it’s here all around
The sturdy old oak trees and the birches so white
The maples and beeches- the shadows and light
I’m part of it all in my own quiet way
Just looking and loving each bright winter day
My winter wings are cross country skis
I’ll fly or I’ll light wherever I please
How lucky I am- I’m alive and so well
And winter’s my season, I guess you can tell. ~ by Okie Howe
December is here friends! We know that it can be difficult to navigate the holiday season, so we want to offer you these videos from our u-tube, to help combat the winter blues. Hang in there! We believe in you!
TheraExpressions offers many holistic activities, such as Meditation, Yoga, Breathwork, and Ayurveda to help with seasonal affective disorders and seasonal changes. Sign up for a membership today!
Our Annual 30 Day Online Meditation Starts January 2nd!!!
Join us for 30 days of guided meditation, starting January 2nd! If you have wanted to try meditation, there is no better time to start than now!
Om your Own Mental Heath, start your meditation today, and form a relationship with yourself!
December 21st
Atrium Plaza
Join us for our annual winter solstice event where we will set our manifestations, meditate on the year to come, and have a special astrological discussion by Copper Astrological Services. Bring your yoga mat, journal, your favorite crystal, and your vibrant soul.
The Holiday of the Winter Solstice celebrates the presence of Spirit and the power of faith and hope that our visions of the future will come into manifestation. All we can do in the middle of winter is pray and hope that the light will return. Winter Solstice is not about having the light. It is about carrying hope and moving toward a vision that we will work to make a reality. It is a time of patience, like that of an expectant mother who can sense the spirit of the child within but must wait until the actual quickening that physical life is truly within her. We must wait in the darkness of Midwinter, and this is not easy for most of us who are not comfortable with the dark, silence, resting and dreaming.
In the darkest part of the year when the days are shortest, Nature asks us to slow down and enjoy a cup of warm tea, to be with loved ones, to listen rather than to speak. Under the ground the earth silently sleeps. Seeds rest in suspended animation, and the animals hibernate. In contrast, we humans rush frantically to the malls, stressing ourselves with activity when we really need to rest, dream and gather strength in our bodies for the coming season of renewal. For many people in the United States, taking the time to dream and rest is seen as a sign of laziness. However, nature teaches us that resting, drawing inward for a time, is present in all living things. Rest is necessary for growth that comes later in the season.
The Sun will return.”
Online Subscriptions!!!
Did you know that TheraExpressions offers a full online platform? We know that not everyone is in Casper Wyoming, and that some people prefer to do Meditation, yoga, and other holistic activities from the comfort of there own home. Don’t worry, we got you!
December Community Fun!
Ugly Sweater Christmas Bowling Party!! We will meet as a community Saturday- December 10th at 5pm- at El Marco Lanes, 2800 Cy Ave. The cost for each game of Bowling is $4.25 and it costs $2.50 to rent bowling shoes. We look forward to a festive fun night! Bring your friends and family, and don’t forget your ugly Christmas sweater! This is going to be so much fun! RSVP with Candace, so we know you’re coming!
Thera has new online classes for folks who don’t want to get out in the cold! Kick the winter blues!
Monday 9:15am Meditation with Candace (online)
Monday 12pm noon Hatha Yoga with Keisha (in person)
Monday 6pm breathwork and Kundalini with Jemima (online)
Tuesday 9:15am meditation with Candace(online)
Wednesday 9:15am meditation with Candace (online)
Wednesday 12pm noon Hatha Yoga with Keisha (in person)
Thursday 6pm Pilates with Jemima (online)
Friday 6pm Restorative Yoga with Keisha (online)
Our next Saturday 8 week aerial conditioning workshop begins mid January. Get in shape and have fun in our silk hammocks!! This is the most fun in a whole body workout you’ve ever had!
Coming out December 1st! We are partnering with Birds Nest Studios on this lovely collaboration! ORDER TODAY! 90 Cards in this deck! Our cards will include daily journal questions and daily affirmations!
We are back for our Seasonal Ayurveda Boxes! Our Winter box will be full of Herbs, Spices, Recipes, Self Care Routines, and so much more! Pre Order your box today and if you are already subscribed be on the lookout for your order coming to you the first week of December.
Have a Safe and Happy December friends!